Greek Life

Greek life today focuses on fostering brotherhood and sisterhood, personal development, and leadership among members through social, philanthropic, and academic activities. It also emphasizes community involvement, inclusivity, and networking, helping students build lifelong connections.

Modern Greek Life

Greek life has a long history, evolving over the centuries into something far more dynamic and positive than what many may imagine. While it once carried a reputation focused primarily on the organization itself and, at times, negative perceptions, it has since grown into a powerful platform for personal development and community impact.

Today, Greek life emphasizes core values like service, leadership, and the pursuit of excellence. Members are committed to bettering themselves and those around them, contributing to a culture of responsibility and growth. On campus, Greek members are often some of the most outgoing, dedicated, and driven individuals, leading efforts to enhance both the university and the broader community.

Greek Life Stats

  • 7.15% of students involved in Greek life

  • Greek life 87.2% graduation rate; 67.7% rest of campus

  • Fraternity average GPA 3.05; non Greek life male GPA 2.91

  • $30,720 donated by Greek life last year

  • 13,230 hours donated by Greek life last year